Kanazawa, JAPAN

Artiste: Monique FRYDMAN


Personal exhibition, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art.Kanazawa, Japan. From November, 23th, 2011 to march, 20th, 2012 . www.moniquefrydman.com Reproduction of the work of the artist with our Lumière & Transparence© technology on transparent basis. Application outdoors. This work received the CS Design Award in Japan, which rewards artists using new technologies. Extract visible on www.kanazawa21.jp/en "Monique Frydman’s Kaleidoscope, exhibited at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa in 2011-12, won the CS Design Award for the ”Nakagawa Chemical Award.” CS Design Award has been hosted by Nakagawa Chemical since 1982, and this year marked its 17th edition. Kaleidoscope was created by Monique Frydman for the glass corridor passing through one of the courtyards of the museum. Sheets of plastic film with colorful squares of more than twenty different tones cover the tunnel of glass, causing a shower of light to fall softly on visitors passing through the corridor." CS Design Award official website: http://www.cs-designaward.jp